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Book Launch ’50 Surinaamse Kunstschatten’, by Bart Krieger

What: Book Presentation 50 Surinaamse Kunstschatten [50 Surinamese art treasures] (on Facebook). Book by Bart Krieger, with fifty articles about Surinamese art works, previously published in Parbode Magazine. With art by Danasion Akobe, Anand Binda, Stanley Brouwn, Nardo Brudet, Ruben Cabenda, Annemarie Daniel, Ken Doorson, Tumpi Flow, Wim Eriks, Kenneth Flijders, Ron Flu, Nola Hatterman, Soeki Irodikromo, Sri Irodikromo, Vincent Jong Tjien Fa, Remy Jungerman, Patricia Kaersenhout, Ruben Karsters, Iris Kensmil, Kingbotho, Joseph Klas, Rinaldo Klas, Charl Landvreugd, Noni Lichtveld, Gerard van Lom, Jikke van Loon, Johannes Petrus Maas, Delano Mac Andrew, Maria Sibylla Merian, Kurt Nahar, Willem van der Poll, Nicolaas Porter, Ravi Rajcoomar, Dhiradj Ramsamoedj, Henri Renfurm, Stuart Robles de Medina, Cliff San A Jong, Gerrit Schouten, George Struikelblok, Mitchel Stuart, Roberto Tjon a Meeuw, Els Tjong Joe Wai, René Tosari, Wilgo Vijfhoven, Erwin de Vries, Josiah Wedgewood, Maria Jaquie Wessels and Paul Woei.

When: September 5, 2015, 15:00 hrs

15:30 Interview Bart Krieger by Noraly Beyer
15:40 Panel discussion about visibility Surinamese art, with a.o. Priscilla Tosari and Sasha Dees
16:00 First book presented to Annet Zondervan (CBK Zuidoost)
16:05-17:55 Signing by author (author present from 13:00 hrs).

Where: Garden CBK Zuidoost (on Facebook), Anton de Komplein 120, Amsterdam Zuidoost, the Netherlands

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'50 Surinaamse Kunstschatten' by Bart Krieger / PHOTO Courtesy Bart Krieger

’50 Surinaamse Kunstschatten’ by Bart Krieger / PHOTO Courtesy Bart Krieger

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'50 Surinaamse Kunstschatten' by Bart Krieger / PHOTO Lard Buurman

’50 Surinaamse Kunstschatten’ by Bart Krieger / PHOTO Lard Buurman


The book is available for SRD 65 in Suriname at the following points:

Choi Noord, Tweekinderenweg 99, Paramaribo

Choi Zuid, Johannes Mungrastraat 17, Paramaribo

Faranaz, Hermitage Mall, Lalla Rookhweg, Paramaribo

Parbode, Wichersstraat 10a, Paramaribo

Readytex Art Gallery, Steenbakkerijstraat 30, Paramaribo

Vaco (on Facebook), Domineestraat, Paramaribo


The book is available for EURO 30 in the Netherlands at the following points:

Athenaeum, Spui 14-16, Amsterdam

Boekhandel van Pampus, KNSM-laan 303, Amsterdam-Zeeburg

CBK Zuidoost (on Facebook), Anton de Komplein 120, Amsterdam Zuidoost

Eldorado Boekencollectief

Pölki, Reigersbos 60, Amsterdam

Premsela, Van Baerlestraat 78, Amsterdam

Rijksshop, Rijksmuseum, MUseumstraat 1, Amsterdam

Scheltema, Rokin 9, Amsterdam

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Preview from '50 Surinaamse Kunstschatten' by Bart Krieger / PHOTO Courtesy Bart Krieger

Preview from ’50 Surinaamse Kunstschatten’ by Bart Krieger / PHOTO Courtesy Bart Krieger

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Preview from '50 Surinaamse Kunstschatten' by Bart Krieger / PHOTO Courtesy Bart Krieger

Preview from ’50 Surinaamse Kunstschatten’ by Bart Krieger / PHOTO Courtesy Bart Krieger

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Preview from '50 Surinaamse Kunstschatten' by Bart Krieger / PHOTO Courtesy Bart Krieger

Preview from ’50 Surinaamse Kunstschatten’ by Bart Krieger / PHOTO Courtesy Bart Krieger

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Preview from '50 Surinaamse Kunstschatten' by Bart Krieger / PHOTO Courtesy Bart Krieger

Preview from ’50 Surinaamse Kunstschatten’ by Bart Krieger / PHOTO Courtesy Bart Krieger

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