What: MISSION 21 (Facebook) presents: where young people and artists come together
When: Opening: Friday November 16, 2018, 18:30 hrs (doors open), 19:00 hrs (start), Saturday November 17 & Sunday November 18, 17:00-21:00 hrs
Where: De Hal (Facebook), Grote Combéweg 45, Paramaribo, Suriname

The Education & Art Foundation (St. EDA) started the pilot project MISSION 21 (Facebook) – hand in hand into active participation. From November 2017, young people and artists have worked together for a long time together for a goal: discovering their own power. The results of this process with various art forms is presented from Friday November 16 to Sunday November 18 in De Hal (Facebook) at the Grote Combéstraat 45, Paramaribo, Suriname.
The project MISSION 21 (Facebook) started with various creative activities with 5 artists and 130 young people, aged 13 to 24, in eight youth care centers. From this group 22 young people were selected who got acquainted with four art forms in workshops and then in an art form of choice worked on deepening from the theme: ‘Who Am I’. Within this same theme, 2 artists worked with approx. 40 young people in the youth detention center Opa Doelie, in the month of September.
In total, 10 artists have worked with about 60 young people, from their own discipline and in their own way. A hand has been handed to these young people through art: discover your own strength and inspire youngsters to active participation. The project was mainly carried out as a research activity, to find out how art works can work as an educational tool for young people. And also to ‘see’ what impact working with young people has on artists.
That everyone can help a hand, Miguel Keerveld, visual artist and the creator of the project, compares with an African philosophy known as Ubuntu, which means: ‘I am because we are ‘. In the Mayan culture, the same wisdom is known as ‘in lak’ech’, with which they say: ‘I am another you, and you are another me’. Inspired by this the artist has been working on the research project I KROYWARA I since 2016. “If I work with you walk along with me, you walk with me “, the artist explains this name. MISSION 21 (Facebook) is one part of I KROYWARA I.
What has MISSION 21 (Facebook) brought about among the young people and the artists? Where has their coming together and working together brought them? We like to share the outcome with the public, everyone is welcome on Friday November 16 from 7 pm and on Saturday November 17 and Sunday November 18 from 5 to 9 pm hours in De Hal (Facebook) at the Grote Combéweg 45, admission is free.
MISSION 21 (Facebook) also participated in the National Art Fair 2018, in Krasnapolsky, Domineestraat, Paramaribo, Suriname. The National Art Fair 2018 was held from October 26 until November 3, 2018.