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More than ripples – 3b – Timeline: The second decade


Today the second part of the third episode of the series of blog posts, More than ripples. Every few weeks, for more than a year you can read about the impact of thirty years of Readytex Art Gallery (RAG). This third episode will come in three parts, 3a, 3b and 3c. Every blog post will present a timeline for a decade. This edition will be about the second decade, 2003 up to 2012. When possible a link is added, so in the end these blog posts can be used as a great digital database. Please feel free to comment or add information! Send SAX an email at srananart@gmail.com.


Mar 22, 2003    Marcel Pinas, Tembe, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname                                    

Apr 1, 2003       Made in Suriname Beurs, fair, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

Jul 26, 2003       Soeki Irodikromo, Harmonie [Harmony], solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname        

Aug 25-30, 2003     CARIFESTA Grand Market, fair, Paramaribo, Suriname, collaboration RAG & KKF     

Aug 25-Oct 31, 2003  Soeki Irodikromo, Marcel Pinas & George Struikelblok, Coca Cola exhibition, Cultural Sensation, Atlanta, USA, participation RAG, collaboration Fernandes Coca Cola

Oct 18, 2003         George Struikelblok, Verlichting, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname     


Mar 27, 2004         Reinier Asmoredjo, Images, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname   

Jul 24, 2004           Rinaldo Klas, Faces, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname           

Nov 20, 2004    Open House Exhibition 2004, group exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname


Feb 08, 2005      Official launch new revised website, www.readytexartgallery.com, group exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

Mar 21-Apr 02, 2005      Marcel Pinas, Sanfika, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname           

Jun 27-Jul 09, 2005   Soeki Irodikromo, solo exhibition & book presentation, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname             

Jun 27, 2005              Marcel Pinas, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, USA, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG       

Jul 16-30, 2005         Sri Irodikromo & Paul Irodikromo, feature, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

Aug 11-Sep 25, 2005 Rinaldo Klas, Marcel Pinas & George Struikelblok, Arte Padilla Rio de Janeiro, participation RAG, supported by RAG           

Oct 21, 2005        Rinaldo Klas, Monique NouhChaia SookdewSing & Anna-Louisa Barbeiro, discussion ‘Visual art in Suriname’, Theatre Unique, Paramaribo, Suriname, participation RAG  

Nov 14-26, 2005    Open House Exhibition 2005, group exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname


Steek mijn lont
aan als van vroeger

laat mijn licht
vrede brengen in de harten
van mijn Surinamers,
die mij bijna vergeten zijn.

Breng op deze dag mijn volk samen.
Verlicht het pad,
waarop wij samen verder moeten gaan…..

Kurt Nahar, 2005

Nov 18-26, 2005 Marcel Pinas, Kokolampu installation for 30 years of Independence on November 25, 2005, Fort Zeelandia, Paramaribo, Suriname, supported by RAG         


Mar 25-Apr 08, 2006     René Tosari, De Nieuwe Oogst [The New Harvest], solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname  

Apr 12-17, 2006    Holland Art Fair, The Hague, The Netherlands, art fair, participation RAG   

Jul 01-15, 2006     Marcel Pinas, Kibi Wi Totem, totem poles installation, Fort Zeelandia, Paramaribo, Suriname, supported by RAG                

Aug 05-16, 2006     Marcel PinasKibri A Kulturu, solo exhibition & book presentation, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

Aug 25, 2006         Dhiradj Ramsamoedj, Ordinary People, solo exhibition, Fort Zeelandia, Paramaribo, Suriname, supported by RAG    

Oct 09-21, 2006     George Struikelblok, Adarsh, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname   

Oct 14-21, 2006 First ACP Festival, Museo del Arte Moderno, Dominican Republic, group exhibition, supported by RAG  

Nov 16-30, 2006 Marcel Pinas, unveiling installation Reconnecting Africa, Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, supported by RAG

Dec 10, 2006-Jan 10, 2007 Kunst,koffie en een koekje, group exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname 

Dec 15, 2006-Jan 27, 2007 Marcel PinasLatitude V 2006, theme: ‘Terres des Amazonie’, Paris, France, supported by RAG             

2006                            Marcel PinasKibii Wi, Camp de la Transportation, French Guiana, supported by RAG

2006                            Marcel Pinas, Kunst uitgepakt, Museum De Fundatie, Zwolle, The Netherlands, supported by RAG     

Tip Tip monument, Fort Nieuw Amsterdam, Commewijne, Suriname / PHOTO Door Pvt pauline – Eigen werk, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17429962

2006        George Struikelblok, Tip Tip project, Fort Nieuw Amsterdam, Commewijne, Suriname, supported by RAG


Mar 26-Apr 07, 2007    Humphrey Tawjoeram, New Impressions, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

May 19, 2007        FVAS, IETS ANDERS, group exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname, collaboration RAG & FVAS

Jun 26-Jul 14, 2007     John Lie A Fo, mini feature (the first mini feature), solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

Jul 04-14, 2007         Synergy, group exhibition, Venezuelan Institute for Culture and Cooperation (IVCC), Paramaribo, Suriname, participation RAG                

Jul 24-Aug 21, 2007   Armand Masé, Spirituality, Sexuality and Passion, mini feature, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname    

Aug 28-Sep 29, 2007    Rinaldo Klas, mini feature, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

Sep 22, 2007  New Village, Chiragali project, Paramaribo, Suriname, participation RAG

Oct 17-27, 2007       Reinier Asmoredjo, Sranan Kloru, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

Oct 25, 2007        ACS exhibition, Central Bank Trinidad & Tobago, Trinidad, collaboration ACS & RAG, supported by RAG 

Catalog National Art Fair 2007

Oct 26-Nov 03, 2007    National Art Fair 2007, Ons Erf, Paramaribo, Suriname, participation RAG artists

Nov 06-24, 2007    Paul Chang, mini feature, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname 

Nov 15, 2007    Salon del Dibujo, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, group exhibition, participation RAG artists, supported by RAG

Nov 27-Dec 07, 2007    Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi, The Woman Artist Installation, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

Dec 03-07, 2007    Craft and Souvenir Installation by Kenneth Flijders, Rinaldo Klas & Kurt Nahar, group exhibition, Venezuelan Institute for Culture and Cooperation (IVCC), Paramaribo, Suriname, participation RAG

Dec 14, 2007-Jan 06, 2008 Surifesta 2007 monument of lights, designed by George Struikelblok with input from RAG artists and other artists: Daniel Djojoatmo, Glenn Fung Loy, Soeki Irodikromo, Dorette Kusters-Oehlers, Cliff Rasidin, Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi & Roddney Tjon Poen Gie, Lelydorp, Suriname

Dec 18, 2007-Jan 05, 2008    Kenneth Flijders, mini feature, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

2007                  George Struikelblok, Atelier Duende, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Artist in Residency at ArtRoPa, supported by RAG    

2007-2009       Marcel Pinas, Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG                           

2007                Marcel PinasLatitudes 2007, Paris, France, supported by RAG                                    

2007                Marcel Pinas, solo exhibition, Ibiza, Spain, supported by RAG                                         

2007                Kurt Nahar, Een nieuwe route [A new route], Fort Zeelandia, Paramaribo, Suriname, partcipation RAG, supported by RAG    

2007                Marcel PinasAFAKA, Herman Krikhaar Gallery, solo exhibition, Salernes, France, supported by RAG                                                  

2007                Marcel PinasKibri a kulturu, solo exhibition, French Guiana, supported by RAG       


Feb 05, 2008   Jhunry Udenhout, mini feature, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

Feb 11-29, 2008   Wilgo Vijfhoven, mini feature, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

Kurt Nahar, publication Misschien …

Mar 04-25, 2008  Kurt Nahar, Misschien [Maybe], solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname 

Sri Irodikromo, Prit Pangi

Apr 15-May 13, 2008 George Struikelblok, mini feature, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

Jun 11-24, 2008   Sri Irodikromo, Prit Pangi, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname 

Jul 04-11, 2008    Commonalities, group exhibition, Venezuelan Institute for Culture and Cooperation (IVCC), Paramaribo, Suriname, participation RAG 

Jul 29-Aug 01, 2008 René Tosari, Kleur, contrast en verdieping [Color, contrast and depth], solo exhibition, Venezuelan Institute for Culture and Cooperation (IVCC), Paramaribo, Suriname, participation RAG         

Aug 07-23, 2008 Soeka, mini feature, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname 

Sep 19-30, 2008 Humphrey Tawjoeram, mini feature, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname 

Oct 15, 2008   Roddney Tjon Poen Gie, Out of the Ocean, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

2008    Dhiradj Ramsamoedj, plastic bottle installation in Suriname River, NGO Forum, Paramaribo, Suriname, project supported by RAG 

Oct 2008         National Art Fair 2008, Ons Erf, Paramaribo, Suriname, participation RAG artists

Nov 23, 2008  Kurt Nahar, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, USA, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG

2008    Kurt Nahar, Bewegter Wind, Germany, competition, supported by RAG

2008                George Struikelblok, research project in art in public space and landart, Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG       

2008                Marcel Pinas, Beddington Fine Art Gallery, Beddington, France, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG

2008               Kurt Nahar, Atelier Duende, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Artist in Residency, ArtRoPa, supported by RAG    

2008 One Minutes, Beijing, China, supported by RAG

2008    Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi, publication One Minutes competition, supported by RAG

2008    Marcel Pinas, Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG   


Feb 21-Mar 01, 2009 Wakaman drawing lines – connecting dots, group exhibition (Feb 21-Mar 01, 2009) & publication (Jan 27, 2010 book presentation) with RAG artists Kurt Nahar & Marcel Pinas, Fort Zeelandia, Paramaribo, Suriname, supported by RAG     

Feb 23-Mar 04, 2009 Fernandes goes art with Readytex Art Gallery, Fernandes KLIP, Paramaribo, Suriname, collaboration RAG & Fernandes   

Mar-May, 2009           Kurt Nahar, Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG

Mar 01-27, 2009          Roddney Tjon Poen Gie, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, USA, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG

Mar 17-31, 2009         Wilgo Vijfhoven, Untitled, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

Mar 27-Apr 30, 2009   Marcel Pinas, Havanna Biennial, Cuba, supported by RAG    

Jun 17-30, 2009           Rinaldo Klas, De taal van mijn penseel [The language of my paint brush], solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

Jun 27-Aug, 2009 Kurt Nahar, participation in Licht aan Zee AA, Den Helder, The Netherlands, RAG support    

Jul 01-14, 2009        Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi, The Strength of Women, exhibition & publication, ‘t Vat, Paramaribo, Suriname, supported by RAG                                                                               

Jul 15-25, 2009         Sri Irodikromo & Marcel Pinas, Double Feature, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

Aug 07-09, 2009      Exhibition US Embassy, Washington DC, USA, RAG support    

Aug 18-28, 2009       Kurt Nahar & Dhiradj Ramsamoedj, Double Feature, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname                                                 

Sep 16-30, 2009  Reinier Asmoredjo & Hanka Wolterstorff, Double Feature , RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname

Sep 30-Oct 25, 2009  Rinaldo Klas, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, USA, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG  

Oct 13-27, 2009      Kenneth Flijders, Inspiration, solo exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo

Oct 29-Nov 7, 2009   National Art Fair 2009, Ons Erf, Paramaribo, Suriname, participation RAG artists

Oct 29-Nov 7, 2009 George Struikelblok, interactive art installation ‘Memories of Friends’ at National Art Fair 2009, Ons Erf, Paramaribo, Suriname, participation RAG artists

Oct 29-Nov 07, 2009   Ron Flu, affordable reproductions of artwork Ron Flu, National Art Fair 2009, with RAG artists                                                                                               

Nov 18-30, 2009    George Struikelblok & Roddney Tjon Poen Gie, Double Feature, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname                                        

Dec 07-31, 2009     Kurt Nahar & Marcel Pinas, December 8-art installation, project, Fort Zeelandia, Paramaribo, Suriname, RAG support    

Dec 16-26, 2009     Paul Chang & Humphrey Tawjoeram, Double FeatureRAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname                    

2009      Dhiradj Ramsamoedj, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Artist in Residency                         

2009        George Struikelblok & Roddney Tjon Poen Gie, Atelier Duende, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Artist in Residency at ArtRoPa, supported by RAG                                                     

2009      George Struikelblok, solo exhibition, SBK Breda, Breda, The Netherlands, supported by RAG     

2009      Cultural Crossroads, group exhibition, USA, supported by RAG   

2009      Marcel Pinas, Sandberg Instituut, The Netherlands, Masters degree in art, supported by RAG

2009      Roddney Tjon Poen Gie & Ravi RajcoomarAtelier Duende, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Artist in Residency at ArtRoPa, supported by RAG    



Jan 12-end of Aug, 2010    Ron Flu, Kurt Nahar & René Tosari, Stemwijzer, Fort Zeelandia, Paramaribo, Suriname, supported by RAG

Jan 28-Feb 10, 2010     John Lie A Fo, mini feature, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname  

Feb 18-Mar 12, 2010     Kurt Nahar, 17.912 dagen, geboeid door schoonheid [17.912 days, enthralled by beauty], private exhibition, Brussels, Belgium, Wim de Pauw       

Feb 19-end of Mar, 2010   Reinier Asmoredjo & Rinaldo Klas, Couleurs du Suriname, L’Encadrier, Cayenne, French Guiana, collaboration RAG & L’Encadrier, initiative of Claude Favier                

Feb 27-Mar 03, 2010             Paramaribo SPANparticipation RAG artists Sri Irodikromo, Sunil Phuljun, Dhiradj Ramsamoedj, George Struikelblok & Roddney Tjon Poen Gie, DSB Bank, Paramaribo, Suriname, supported by RAG

Feb 27-Mar 03, 2010   Paramaribo SPAN, group exhibition, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname                           

Mar 03-Apr 30, 2010  Marcel Pinas, nominated Young Global Leader, World Economic Forum & Young Global Leaders, competition, supported by RAG

Mar 11-Apr 11, 2010  George Struikelblokone minute award nominee, supported by RAG      

Mar 15-Apr 05, 2010    Patricia Kaersenhout, Kurt Nahar & Marcel Pinas, Sribi switi, san e psa [Sleep well, what’s up?], Pulchri Studio, The Hague, The Netherlands, collaboration RAG & Boekids Foundation, supported by RAG    

Mar 23-27, 2010          René Tosari, Dichtbij de Oorsprong, solo exhibition, RAG at De Hal, Grote Combéweg 45, Paramaribo, Suriname    

Mar 26-end of Apr, 2010  Rinaldo Klas, Lilys Galerie, The Hague, The Netherlands       

May, 2010     George Struikelblok, Lob’ makandra [Love each other], solo exhibition, Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao, supported by RAG    

May 01-Jun 08, 2010         Soeka Kartotaroeno, mini feature, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname    

May 03-06, 2010   Afri Festival II, Brussels, Belgium, Universitair Centrum voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (UCOS) & Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), participation Kurt Nahar, supported by RAG    

Jun 21-Jul 05, 2010        Soeki Irodikromo & Sri Irodikromo, mini feature, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname    

Jul 12-26, 2010           Kurt Nahar, What do you choose for, mini feature, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname  

Jul 26-Aug 10, 2010     Sunil Puljhun, Time will tell, mini feature, RAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname   

Aug 07, 2010       Lola Ankarapi & Richenel Para, USA exhibition Indigenous Day, Fort Zeelandia, Paramaribo, Suriname, participation RAG/RCS & US Embassy    

Sep 01-Oct 04, 2010       Kurt Nahar, Marcel Pinas & George Struikelblok, Triennial I, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, supported by RAG    

Sep 09-Oct 03, 2010              Rinaldo Klas, Gihon River Collective, London, group exhibition, Chutima Kerdpitak (Nok) of ‘Uncooked Culture‘/Circus Terminal Worldwide, RAG support

Sep 09-Nov 07, 2010      Paramaribo Perspectives, TENT., Rotterdam, The Netherlands, group exhibition, with RAG artists Sri Irodikromo, Kurt Nahar, Dhiradj Ramsamoedj & George Struikelblok

Sep 29-Oct 30, 2010   La biennale du marronage 7, group exhibition with Reinier Asmoredjo, Sri Irodikromo, John Lie A FoMarcel Pinas & Roddney Tjon Poen Gie, Matoury, French Guiana, DAC, RAG support  

Oct 06-10, 2010 Sure Suriname, ARTI 2010, The Hague, The Netherlands

Oct 14-30, 2010      Colourful friendship, Queens Park Gallery, Barbados, participating artists Reinier Asmoredjo, Anand Binda, Kenneth Flijders, Sri Irodikromo, Soeki Irodikromo, Soeka Kartotaroeno, Rinaldo Klas, Dorette Kuster-Oehlers, Kurt Nahar, Sunil Puljhun, Kim Sontosoemarto, George Struikelblok, Humphrey Tawjoeram, Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi, Roddney Tjon Poen Gie, René Tosari, Jhunry Udenhout & Wilgo Vijfhoven

Oct 19-23, 2010        Dhiradj RamsamoedjOrdinary People Reloaded, solo exhibition, RAG at De Hal, Grote Combéweg 45, Paramaribo, Suriname

Oct 28-Nov 06, 2010   National Art Fair 2010, Ons Erf, participation RAG artists

Oct 29-Nov 06, 2010     Kunst is kracht, group exhibition, RAG at De Hal, Grote Combéweg 45, Paramaribo, Suriname    

Nov 23-27, 2010          Vredig,Vrij en Vriendelijk, group exhibition, RAG at De Hal, Grote Combéweg 45, Paramaribo, Suriname

2010     George Struikelblok, Lob’ makandra [Love each other], French Guiana expo L’Encadrier, supported by RAG   


Jan 21-Jun 30, 2011   About Change, group exhibition with Sri Irodikromo, Dhiradj Ramsamoedjj, Marcel Pinas & Roddney Tjon Poen Gie, World Bank Art Program , Washington, USA, World Bank, in partnership with the Inter American Development Bank, the OAS, and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat, supported by RAG              

Jan 21-Mar 10, 2011   Wrestling with the Image: Caribbean Interventions, Washington, USA, group exhibition, OAS, supported by RAG               

Feb 09-12 Feb, 2011      Paul Chang, Inspired by Nature, solo exhibition, RAG at De Hal, Grote Combéweg 45, Paramaribo, Suriname

Feb 10-13, 2011       Suriname Heritage festival, Commewijne, Suriname, participation, supported by RAG    

Feb 12-Mar 01, 2011  De Verleiding van Coronie [The seduction of Coronie], group exhibition, Haagse Kunstkring, The Hague, The Netherlands, supported by RAG & Fineke van der Veen  

Feb 15-Apr 02, 2011   Kurt Nahar, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG 

Mar-Nov, 2011         TV Program Monday Live, STVS, participation RAG

Mar 11-31, 2011        Sri Irodikromo & Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi, Les Surinamaises aux Cimaises, French Guiana, groeps L’Encadrier, supported by RAG    

Mar 29-Apr 03, 2011 George Struikelblok, Lob’ mi tu tamara, solo exhibition, RAG at De Hal, Grote Combéweg 45, Paramaribo, Suriname

Mar 31, 2011              Kurt Nahar, Misschien [Maybe], Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium, solo exhibition, supported by RAG    

May 06, 2011-Jan 07, 2012   George Struikelblok, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, USA, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG       

May 27-Jun, 2011        Dhiradj Ramsamoedj, ARTZUID, The Netherlands, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG    

May 31-Jun 05, 2011    Reinier Asmoredjo, Spirits of the Sun, solo exhibition, RAG at De Hal, Grote Combéweg 45, Paramaribo, Suriname

Jun 15-Oct 10, 2011     Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, USA, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG    

Jun 21-28, 2011    Marcel Pinas, Kibii Wi Koni Marcel Pinas The Event, KKF Hal, project by RAG, Dutch Embassy, Marcel Pinas, Ann Hermelijn      

Jun 29-Jul 03, 2011    Marcel Pinas, Kibii Wi Koni Marcel Pinas The Event, De Hal, Grote Combéweg 45, Paramaribo, Suriname, project by RAG, Dutch Embassy, Marcel Pinas, Ann Hermelijn          

Jul 30-Oct 30, 2011   Marcel Pinas, Kibii Wi Koni Marcel Pinas The Event, CAMM, Moengo, Suriname, project by RAG, Dutch Embassy, Marcel Pinas, Ann Hermelijn      

Jul 31-Aug 26, 2011    George Struikelblok, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, USA, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG   

Aug-Sep, 2011      Dhiradj Ramsamoedj, Alice Yard, Trinidad, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG  

Aug 16-21, 2011            Sunil PhuljunThe Weight of Darkness, solo exhibition, RAG at De Hal, Grote Combéweg 45, Paramaribo, Suriname

Aug 26-28, 2011            Inter Guiana Cultural Festival I Different CulturesDe Hal, Grote Combéweg 45, Paramaribo, Suriname, participation Directoraat Cultuur, supported by RAG    

Aug 31-Sep 17, 2011   Sri Irodikromo, Harmony, Curaçao, group exhibition, Alma Blou, supported by RAG    

Sep 10-23, 2011     Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, USA, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG       

Sep 11, 2011         Kurt Nahar, Galerie 23, solo exhibition In de hoeken van de stilte, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 

Oct 11-16, 2011    Remy Jungerman & Kurt Nahar, Positions, duo exhibition, RAG at De Hal, Grote Combéweg 45, Paramaribo, Suriname                                                                        

Oct 28-Nov 05, 2011      National Art Fair 2011, Ons Erf, Paramaribo, Suriname, participation RAG artists

Nov 17-20, 2011          Kenneth Flijders & Roddney Tjon Poen Gie, Arts du Suriname, group exhibition, L’Encadrier, Cayenne, French Guiana, supported by RAG    

Nov 12-15, 2012          Sure Suriname, workshop & exhibition design project, De Hal, Grote Combéweg 45, Paramaribo, Suriname, collaboration RAG, Dutch Embassy & Guus Boudestein

2011      Kurt Nahar, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG    

2011      Kurt Nahar, 2nd phase Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG       


Jan 30-Feb 11, 2012      Marcel Pinas, launch Boipili Jewelry & exhibitionRAG Maagdenstraat 44-48, Paramaribo, Suriname, collaboration RAG, Marcel Pinas & Sunil Oemrawsingh  

Feb 02-05, 2012  Revealing our stored treasures, group exhibition, RAG at De Hal, Grote Combéweg 45, Paramaribo, Suriname

Feb 15-Mar 29, 2012   Marcel Pinas, La Liberté PRK No???, KultuurKaffee, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG   

Mar 01-Jun 02, 2012   Marcel Pinas, Back to the Roots, exhibition, La Magnanerie de Seillans, Seillans, France         

Mar 20-25, 2012        Donasion Akobe, Da Mi Wan Maun, Readytex Crafts & Souvenirs (RCS) at De Hal, Grote Combéweg 45, Paramaribo, Suriname

Apr 10-14, 2012        Rinaldo Klas, Circus Terminal London, group exhibition, London, United Kingdom, Chutima Kerdpitak (Nok) of ‘Uncooked Culture‘/Circus Terminal Worldwide, supported by RAG  

May 06-Aug 06, 2012 George Struikelblok, Lob’ makandra [Love each other], solo exhibition, Galerie Huijs Basten Asbeck, Groenlo, The Netherlands

May 08-11, 2012 Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi, SHORT STORIES, publication & solo exhibition, Fort Zeelandia, Paramaribo, Suriname, collaboration Association of Caribbean Women Writers and Scholars (ACWWS) & RAG  

ARC Magazine, Nr. 3, cover design Charl Landvreugd

May 09, 2012       ARC Magazine, launch 5th edition, Fort Zeelandia, Paramaribo, Suriname, supported by RAG    

May 11-Jun 11, 2012    Marcel Pinas, Havana Biennial, Cuba, group exhibition, supported by RAG    

Jun 01-Sep 01, 2012      Kurt Nahar, 3rd phase Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Artist in Residency, supported by RAG    

Jun 14, 2012      Marcel Pinas, Caribbean: Crossroads of the World, group exhibition, El Museo del Barrio/The Studio Museum/Queens Museum, New York, USA, supported by RAG    

Jul 03-08, 2012  Rinaldo Klas, Goudkoorts [Gold rush], solo exhibition, RAG at De Hal, Grote Combéweg 45, Paramaribo, Suriname

Aug 7-12, 2012    Wilgo Vijfhoven, Rood [Red], solo exhibition, RAG at De Hal, Grote Combéweg 45, Paramaribo, Suriname                  

Sep 15, 2012     George Struikelblok, Sunchi I Brasa, solo exhibition, Gallery Alma Blou, Curaçao, supported by RAG    

Sep, 2012         Kurt Nahar & Marcel Pinas, Happy Islands, group exhibition, Aruba, supported by RAG

-Sep 23, 2012      Kurt Nahar, Legally Issued, Galerie Nola Hatterman, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, supported by RAG    

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