What: Photo exhibition De geschiedenis op je schouders: een verhaal over teloorgang en veerkracht in Moengo [History on your shoulders: a story about demise and resilience in Moengo] (Facebook Event). A project by Roosje Verschoor, with Basta, David, Edilson, Gideon, Jair, Jean Marc, Jerusa, Linio, Robbert and Toto, and hosted by Kibii Foundation and Tembe Art Studio (TAS).
When: February 9, 2019, 16:00-18:00 hrs. At 14:00 hrs a bus will depart from Paramaribo from the Nola Hatterman Art Academy (near Fort Zeelandia), Paramaribo, Suriname.
Where: Tembe Art Studio, Julianaweg 7, Moengo, Marowijne, Suriname
Ten young people have documented their own identity – and that of Moengo – on camera. The images are show things of the present as well as from the past. The photographs show the many layers of life in Moengo.
There will be photographs of the youngsters both inside and outside the museum in Moengo. In addition, a certificate is handed over to all young people to follow the workshops, a festive moment!
Made possible thanks to the Kibii Foundation and Dutch culture center for international cooperation Shared Cultural Heritage.
Click to view slideshow.

Making an exhibition / PHOTOS Roosje Verschoor
Previously published on the Sranan Art blog:
For the ‘Double Heritage’ project Roosje Verschoor is supported by:
Fonds Kwadraat / Kibii Foundation / Shared Cultural Heritage