What: Solo exhibition One can make a difference – Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi – (Facebook Event)
When: Opening: Thursday, August 01, 2019, 19:00-21:00 hrs. Extra evening open: Friday, August 02, 2019, 19:00-21:00 hrs. Discussion about art with Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi, Ann Hermelijn & Alida Neslo: Saturday, August 03, 2019, 19:00-21:00 hrs. The exhibition is open from August 02 until August 31. Opening hours: Monday thru Friday, 08:00-16:30 hrs and on Saturday, 08:30-13:30 hrs. Also open in the evening on Friday June 7 and Saturday June 8 from 19:00-2100 hrs
Where: Readytex Art Gallery (RAG) (also on Facebook), Steenbakkerijstraat 30, Paramaribo, Suriname
On Thursday August 1st, Readytex Art Gallery (RAG) opens a remarkable new solo exhibition by visual artist Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi. The exhibition was inspired by several specific events and experiences that made a lasting impression on the artist’s life. These experiences and the recollection thereof, resulted in a special new collection of art works and a publication that outlines the entire process in text and images. They are both titled: One can make a difference.
The first event that triggered Kit-Ling was the mural that she painted together with the pupils of OS Clevia on the stone fence of their school, in 2013. Her introduction to the principal at that time, and seeing all that this one person had been able to achieve at the school, were especially memorable. One can make a difference, and that is indeed what this principal did, for the school and for the pupils. But Kit-Ling also found herself thinking about the future of these children. Who else would be making a significant ‘difference’ in their ongoing development? And who amongst them would one day play a critical role in the lives of others or for their country? Experiences during a trip to Brazil, and the similarities that she observed to the challenges and situation in her own country, were some of the additional triggers influencing the creative processes of Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi.
In her exhibition, she presents a series of mixed media works on paper named One can make a difference and a series of acrylic paintings on canvas, named ‘Friends’. The children are clearly the main subject of her work. The cheerful and as yet carefree looks on the young faces, the surprising color contrasts and the playful shape elements, give a striking and decidedly positive appearance to the work. Although the artist expresses her concerns related to the development opportunities for the youth in her publication, the imagery in her art is a clear indication of her hope for a good future. And she gladly transfers that hope onto not just the youth, but onto everyone, because indeed: one can make a difference …
The opening of the solo exhibition of Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi in Readytex Art Gallery, takes place on August 1st between 7:00 and 9:00 pm. The opening address on this evening will be delivered by Marie Levens, at 7:30 pm. You are most welcome. The exhibition will be open from the 2nd until the 31st of August, from Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am-4:30 pm, and on Saturdays from 8:30 am-1:30 pm. Also open in the evenings on Friday the 2nd and Saturday the 3rd of August from 7:00-9:00 pm. On Saturday evening Kit-Ling will engage in a discussion about ART with Alida Neslo and Ann Hermelijn. You are also invited to participate in this discussion. The publication One can make a difference will be available for purchase at the exhibition.

A nice interview with the artist on YouTube:
In Readytex Art Gallery (RAG) opent op 1 augustus aanstaande een bijzondere solo-expositie van beeldend kunstenaar Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi. De expositie werd geïnspireerd door een aantal recente en markante ervaringen in het leven van de kunstenaar, die een blijvende indruk achterlieten. De beleving van en herinnering aan deze ervaringen resulteren in een opmerkelijke nieuwe collectie kunstwerken en een publicatie die het gehele proces in woord en beeld illustreert. Beide dragen de titel: One can make a difference.
De eerste trigger voor Kit-Ling was de muurschildering die zij in 2013 samen met leerlingen van OS Clevia maakte op de omheining van hun school. Het was vooral de kennismaking met de toenmalige directrice en diens indrukwekkende verdiensten op de school, die de kunstenaar aan het denken zetten. One can make a difference, en dat deed de directrice ook, voor de school en voor de leerlingen. Daarnaast was het de toekomst van de kinderen waar Kit-Ling zich om bekommerde. Wie zal er in hun verdere ontwikkeling nog meer een belangrijke ‘difference’ maken? En wie van hen zal in de toekomst zelf die rol vervullen voor anderen of voor hun land? Ervaringen tijdens een reis naar Brazilië, en de vergelijkingen die zij maakte met de uitdagingen en de situatie in eigen land, waren nog meer triggers die het creatieve proces van de kunstenaar beïnvloedden.